Audi A4

since 1994 release

Manual of the car

Audi A4
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ System of an exhaust
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and fuel pump
+ Air filter and channels of absorption
+ System of injection
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and main transfer
- Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
   Running gear
   Check of cuffs of the steering mechanism
   Check of dustproof caps and gap in heads of cross steering draft
   Check of dustproof caps of hinges of an axis
   Check of a side play of a steering wheel
   Check of a maple belt
   Check of level of oil
   Check of a gap of the wheel bearing
   Check of shock-absorbers
   The help at malfunctions
   Adjustment of wheels
   Measurement of adjustment of wheels
   The help at malfunctions
   Independent works on a running gear and steering
   Dismantling of a suspension bracket of forward wheels
   Works with the back bridge
   Replacement of the shock-absorber behind
   Works on steering
   Check of tightness of a servoupravleniye
   Poliklinova belt
   The help at malfunctions
   Adjustment of the steering mechanism
   Dismantle of the pump of a servoupravleniye
   Filling and pumping of system of a servoupravleniye
   Safety cushion
   Instructions of safety
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tires
+ Electrotechnical equipment
+ System of ignition
+ Lighting
+ Alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics


Check of tightness of a servoupravleniye

If it is established that in a broad tank liquid level went down, then it is necessary to check all system of steering urgently. Otherwise during the movement the servo-driver can suddenly fail.

Here check stages are given:


  1. Once turn a steering wheel on the left and to the right against the stop. The maximum pressure in servoupravleniye hoses is so created, and untight sites noticeable become best of all.
  2. Holding a steering wheel at an emphasis, look for leak in the following places:
  3. In the piston of the perepuskny valve: it is approximately where the steering column enters the steering mechanism. At leak oil comes to interior of the car under the control panel ahead on the front party.
  4. In consolidation of a gear lath. Oil is on one of bellow valve folds on the front side. For check weaken collars of the bellow valve and shift it aside.
  5. In the hydraulic pump. For definition of a leakage it is necessary to wash the engine previously.
  6. In junction points of hoses. Check serially all connecting knots and if it is necessary, tighten them. Moment of an inhaling of connecting knots of the pump of 50 Nanometers.